Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Great video debating e-cigs

Great video with Viscount Ridley debating e-cigs and of course Big Tobacco and Big Pharma are the ones trying to ban them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y06D-ithidY&sns=em

Monday, December 9, 2013

A few airports are allowing #ecigs

See which airports are allowing #ecig use and #vaping in their terminals. However, it's still not allowed on flights. 


Good news on #ecig debate

A little bit of good news on the #ecig debate...


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fresno Vapor remodel

Hey everyone, we spent a good part of Wednesday night and Thanksgiving day making some small changes to the shop. Come by and check out our new look and take advantage of our current specials. 
#fresnovapor # clovis # fresno #calivapers #vapepics #ecig #ecigarette 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Interesting article on how big pharma is involved in the fight against e-cigarettes


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Another good article...


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Interesting study on the effects of tobacco smoke vs. e-cigarette smoke.

Interesting study on the effects of tobacco smoke vs. e-cigarette smoke. 


Great article...


Sunday, September 8, 2013

~ First week open ~

We opened last Saturday, August 31st. I'm so glad we ended up having a soft-opening because we were so busy all week and it prepared us for what to expect going forward. We have a lot of really cool new products being delivered this week and we're excited about some of the new stuff that we'll be offering! 

We're also so excited about the location we chose... I think being in Clovis is going to be awesome! Having a vapor shop in Clovis is central to so many Central Valley cities and I'm surprised about how far people have come this past week to visit our store.

There have been so many great people that have come in and shared their stories about using electronic cigarettes and how much it's helped them to cut-back/quit smoking. Thank you for all of the referrals to your friends and family!

Saturday, August 24, 2013


We were working at the shop this evening finishing up the final touches before we open next weekend and we had our first customer come by. We are excited about our soft opening next weekend and look forward to meeting everyone! 

Fresno Vapor is located at 1526 Clovis Ave., just north of Shaw Ave. If you're looking for ecigs or vapor products and are in the Fresno/Clovis area, come by and see us!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New study finds no health concerns in e-cig vapor


Welcome to Fresno - Clovis Vapor!

If you are looking for an alternative to smoking, come by and check out our shop. E-cigs have helped many smokers stop or cut back. They still provide the nicotine that you're used to, but without the smoke, tar, carbon monoxide, smell and cost that you get with traditional cigarettes. You are also able to customize your vaporizer to fit your needs.